Yoga for skin and hair –

Exercise and yoga can do wonders to your skin and hair. When you burn calories, your body temperature rises leaving your skin relaxed and refreshed. Yoga is a great workout for people with skin problems like acne and boils. If you are a yoga beginner, there isn’t really much to worry about. You can start with a simple and easy to practise Padahastasana. Stall tall and bend down to touch your toes. Try to bend your back without bending your knees. If you can’t touch your toes in the first attempt, it’s fine. Push yourself a little harder everyday to do it rightly. With all the sweating, your pores will open up to get rid of the dust trapped in them. The heat that you feel on your face after yoga will work like sauna and your skin will feel cleaner and more radiant. Spend a 30 mins everyday practising yoga and feel the difference. Suryanamaskar is said to be ideal for those who want glowing skin like their favorite celebrities. It works by engaging your body with m...